Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Interior Photos

(below) A stairway in one of the Yale University buildings
Below is a photo of a church in New Haven, CT.
The next 4 photos are of one of Yale's Libraries

Below...another photo of a random Yale Building.
Below, a photo of the same church in New Haven
A photo of a book store at the Mill


Jim, "Homer" said...

These are outstanding Trevor, do you mind sharing what process / action your using to obtain this look.

Trevor Lee said...

Thanks a lot Jim, I really enjoy doing interiors!

These photo are HDR(high dynamic range) images but with a lot of editing. I take 5 exposures, one is the right exposure and 2 over and 2 under...looks like this, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. This allows me to get all the highlights and shadows....then I put them into Photomatix Pro and it merges them together, I don't do any other editing in photomatix. I save them, then open them into light room where I color rorrect them and I have some custom presets I have made to get the look I want. the last thing I do is put the image into Photoshop and dodge and burn with my tablet to bring out more detail and contrast. Hopefully this wasn't to much : )
let me know if you have any other questions,