Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lee Famiy! - camp fire pics

It has been so great being back home in Ohio! I am living at my parents house for the 1st time in 4 years and i am having a lot of fun....free rent, free laundry, free FOOD! lol I enjoy spending time with them....we play a lot of ping pong, videos games, late night Waffle House runs, watching movies, working out, camp fires and so on! These photos were take a week ago when we made camper pies which is ground beef with a lot of veggies wrapped up in foil, then put into the fire!
BACK ROW-Me(trevor),my dad(dave), and brother Dexter-16
FRONT ROW- Westley-18, our dog Zooey, Mom(shelley), and Mitchell-19.
Taken with my 5D on a tripod.
Me, my dad, and my brothers up in one of Dexter's tree houses

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